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    Home > Food News > Food Flavorings News > Shanxi announced the 28th phase of food sampling information on the list of unqualified food on these 8 batches

    Shanxi announced the 28th phase of food sampling information on the list of unqualified food on these 8 batches

    • Last Update: 2022-10-02
    • Source: Internet
    • Author: User
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    Food Partner Network News On September 16, the Shanxi Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau announced the 28th phase of food sampling information, sampling catering food, tea and related products, fried food and nut products, egg products, starch and starch products, condiments, soy products and other 25 categories of food 644 batches of samples, 8 batches on the unqualified list
    Food partner network news food supervision and management sampling inspection catering tea fried fruit products egg products starch starch products condiments bean products
    Among them, the total number of colonies detected in 2 batches of raw food animal aquatic products does not meet the national standards for food safety, namely: Shanxi Yuchuanwu Catering Management Company Wanbailin District MixC Store sold raw food animal aquatic products (salmon, Arctic shellfish).
    The total number of colonies is an indicator microorganism, not a pathogenic bacteria, which is mainly used to evaluate the cleanliness of food and reflect whether the food meets the hygiene requirements
    during production.
    "GB 10136-2015 National Standard for Food Safety Animal Aquatic Products" stipulates that the total number of colonies in ready-to-eat animal aquatic products should meet the requirements of
    n=5, c=2, m=5× 104CFU/g, M=105CFU/g 。 The total number of colonies exceeding the standard may be caused by microbial contamination of raw materials, packaging materials or production and processing processes, lax technical control in the production and processing process, inadequate cleaning and disinfection of personnel, equipment and environment, incomplete product sterilization or failure to continuously maintain storage and transportation conditions during storage and transportation
    In addition, 2 batches of vinegar were found not to have volatile acid (in terms of lactic acid) that did not meet the national standards for food safety, namely: Xiangfen County Warm Heart Excellent E-commerce Co.
    , Ltd.
    sales, the nominal Wenshui County Zetianfu Vinegar Industry Co.
    , Ltd.
    production of Qiaojia vinegar Tan 5 degrees old vinegar (brewed vinegar); Shanxi Wugufeng Vinegar Industry Co.
    , Ltd.
    sells millet vinegar (brewed vinegar).
    Non-volatile acid is a kind of total acid in vinegar, mainly lactic acid, which can make the sour taste of vinegar long, soft and delicious
    The insufficient content of non-volatile acid will affect the taste and flavor
    of vinegar to a certain extent.
    "GB/T 18187-2000 Brewing Vinegar" stipulates that the non-volatile acid (in terms of lactic acid) in solid fermented vinegar should not be less than 0.
    The reason for the unqualified non-volatile acid may be caused by
    improper control of the fermentation process in the production and processing process and lax factory inspection and control.
    In addition, 2 batches of dew wine were found to have an alcohol content (20 ° C) that did not meet the national food safety standards, namely: rose wine (dew wine) and bamboo leaf wine (dew wine) produced by Shanxi Bainianfang Liquor Co.
    , Ltd.
    sold by Jinzhong Dongsen Supermarket (Co.
    , Ltd.
    nylon store and nominally produced by Shanxi Bainianfang Liquor Co.
    , Ltd.
    Alcohol, also known as liquor, refers to the number of milliliters of ethanol (alcohol) contained in 100 ml of liquor at 20 ° C, that is, the percentage
    of volume (capacity).
    Alcohol is a physical and chemical index of wine products, and the content is not up to standard, which will affect the quality
    of the product.
    The reason why the alcohol content does not meet the express requirements of the product label may be that the production process control of individual enterprises is not strict or the production process level is low, and the alcohol content cannot be accurately controlled; It may also be that the inspection equipment of the production enterprise is not verified or the inspection process is not standardized, resulting in deviation of
    the inspection results.
    In addition to the above products, there are 2 batches of unqualified food: Xinzhou Limin Grain and Oil Distribution Co.
    , Ltd.
    sold by Xinzhou City Huifeng Grain Industry Co.
    , Ltd.
    The corn flour produced by Xinzhou HSBC Grain Industry Co.
    , Ltd.
    was found to not meet the national standards for food safety; Jincheng Fengzhan Shopping Plaza Co.
    , Ltd.
    Fengzhan New Times Square sold vegetables (bell peppers) detected thiadiamine does not comply with the relevant national regulations on
    food safety.
    For the unqualified products found in the sampling inspection, the Shanxi Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has supervised the municipal market supervision department to deal with it
    in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
    If consumers find unqualified food reported in the market, they can call 12315 to complain and report


    Shanxi Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau 2022 No.
    28 Food Safety Supervision and Sampling Information Notice Unqualified Sample Information
    serial number The name of the nominal production company The address of the nominal production enterprise The name being sampled The address being sampled The product name Specifications and models trademark Production date/lot number Non-conformities / Inspection results / Standard values Inspection agencies remark
    1 / / Jincheng Fengzhan Shopping Plaza Co.
    , Ltd.
    Fengzhan New Times Square
    49, Xinshi West Street, Jincheng District, Shanxi Province
    Vegetables (bell peppers) / / Purchase date:2022-06-30 Thiamethoxiramine ║0.
    17 mg/kg/≤0.
    05 mg/kg
    Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology)
    2 Wenshui County Zetianfu Vinegar Industry Co.
    , Ltd
    Fenqu Village, Nanzhuang Town, Wenshui County, Lüliang City Xiangfen County Warm Heart Premium E-commerce Co.
    , Ltd
    Linfen City, Shanxi Province, Xiangfen County, Shuiyun Garden Building No.
    7 shop
    Qiao family vinegar altar 5 degrees old vinegar (brewed vinegar) 800ml/pot Fragrant for a hundred years 2021-04-08 Non-volatile acid (in terms of lactic acid) ║0.
    Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology)
    3 / / Shanxi Yuchuanwu catering management has a limited liability company Wanbailin District MixC store No.
    5 Changxing Road, Wanbailin District, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, China Resources Center MixC N422a
    Raw animal aquatic products (salmon) / / Processing date:2022-07-05 Total number of colonies║n1=8.
    1×104CFU/g, n2=1.
    1×105CFU/g, n3=1.
    8×105CFU/g, n4=1.
    1×105CFU/g, n5=1.
    1×105CFU/g/g/��n=5, c=2, m=5×104CFU/g, M=105CFU/g
    Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology)
    4 / / Shanxi Yuchuanwu catering management has a limited liability company Wanbailin District MixC store No.
    5 Changxing Road, Wanbailin District, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, China Resources Center MixC N422a
    Raw animal aquatic products (Arctic shellfish) / / Processing date:2022-07-05 Total number of colonies║n1=1.
    6×105CFU/g, n2=2.
    8×105CFU/g, n3=1.
    2×105CFU/g, n4=5.
    3×104CFU/g, n5=2.
    9×105CFU/g║n=5, c=2, m=5×104CFU/g, M=105CFU/g
    Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology)
    5 Shanxi Bainianfang Wine Industry Co.
    , Ltd
    Wangjiapu Village Jinzhong Dongsen Supermarket (Co.
    , Ltd.
    ) nylon store
    Building 4, North Side, No.
    179 Jinlun Road, Yuci District, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province (opposite the State Taxation Hotel)
    Rose wine (dew) 1.
    5L/barrel 40% vol
    / 2018-04-15 Alcohol content (20 °C) ║ 37.
    1 % vol / label indicates 40± 1.
    0 % vol
    Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology)
    6 Shanxi Bainianfang Wine Industry Co.
    , Ltd
    Wangjiapu Village East Jinzhong Dongsen Supermarket (Co.
    , Ltd.
    ) nylon store
    Building 4, North Side, No.
    179 Jinlun Road, Yuci District, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province (opposite the State Taxation Hotel)
    Bamboo leaf sake (dew wine) 1.
    5L/barrel 42% vol
    / 2018-09-06 Alcohol content (20 °C) ║ 37.
    7% vol / Label indicates 42± 1.
    0% vol
    Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology)
    7 Xinzhou HSBC Grain Industry Co.
    , Ltd
    31, Xinjian North Road, Xinzhou City
    Xinzhou Limin Grain and Oil Distribution Co.
    , Ltd
    29 Wutaishan South Road, Xinzhou City
    cornmeal 1 kg/bag graphics 2022-05-10 Zearalenone/78 μg/kg/≤60 μg/kg The initial inspection institution is Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology), and the re-inspection institution is Shijiazhuang Customs Technology Center
    8 Shanxi Wugufeng Vinegar Industry Co.
    , Ltd
    Linfen City, Shanxi Province, Xiangfen County, Nanjia Town, Qiyi Reservoir South Shanxi Wugufeng Vinegar Industry Co.
    , Ltd
    Xiangfen County Nanjia town south of the Qiyi Reservoir Millet vinegar (brewed vinegar) 800mL/jug Fenzhou incense 2022-05-15 Non-volatile acid (in terms of lactic acid) ║0.
    Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology)
    Serial number Nominal production enterprise name Nominal production enterprise address Sampled name Sampling address Product name Specifications and models Trademark Production date/batch number Unqualified items/Inspection results/standard values Inspection agency Remarks 1 / / Jincheng Fengzhan Shopping Plaza Co.
    , Ltd.
    Fengzhan New Times Square No.
    49 Xinshi West Street, Jincheng District, Shanxi Province Vegetables (bell peppers) / / Date of purchase: 2022-06-30 Thiamethoxamides/0.
    05mg/kg Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology) 2 Wenshui County Zetianfu Vinegar Industry Co.
    , Ltd.
    Lvliang Wenshui County Nanzhuang Town Fenqu Village Xiangfen County Warm Heart Excellent Product E-commerce Co.
    , Ltd.
    Shanxi Province Linfen City Xiangfen County Water Yun Garden No.
    7 Building Shop Qiaojia Vinegar Tan 5 degrees old vinegar (brewing vinegar) 800ml/pot Xiangpiao Hundred Years 2021-04-08 Non-volatile acid (in terms of lactic acid)/0.
    50g/100mL Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology) 3 / / Shanxi Yuchuanwu Catering Management Company Wanbailin District MixC Store China Resources Center MixC N422a Raw Food Animal Aquatic Products (Salmon) / / Processing Date: 2022-07-05 Total number of colonies/n1=8.
    1×104CFU/g, n2=1.
    1×105CFU/g, n3=1.
    8×105CFU/g, n4=1.
    1× 105CFU/g,n5=1.
    1×105CFU/g/��n=5,c=2,m=5×104CFU/g, M=105CFU/g Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology) 4 / / Shanxi Yuchuanwu Catering Management Company Wanbin District Mixc Store Wanbin District MixC N422a Raw Food Animal Aquatic Products (Arctic Shell) / / Processing Date: 2022-07-05 Total number of colonies║n1=1.
    6×105CFU/g, n2=2.
    8×105CFU/g, n3=1.
    2×105CFU/g, n4=5.
    3×104CFU/g, n5=2.
    9×105CFU/g/��n=5, c=2, m=5×104CFU/g, M=105CFU/g Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology) 5 Shanxi Bainianfang Liquor Co.
    , Ltd.
    Wangjiapu Village Jinzhong Dongsen Supermarket (Co.
    , Ltd.
    ) Nylon Store Building 4, North Side, No.
    179 Nylon Road, Yuci District, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province (opposite the State Tax Hotel) Rose Wine (Dew Wine) 1.
    5L/Barrel 40% Vol / 2018-04-15 Alcohol (20°C)/37.
    1 %vol/Label Clearly Stated 40±1.
    0% Vol Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology) 6 Shanxi Bainianfang Liquor Co.
    , Ltd.
    Wangjiapu Village East Jinzhong Dongsen Supermarket (Co.
    , Ltd.
    ) Nylon Store Building 4, North Side, No.
    179 Nylon Road, Yuci District, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province (opposite Guoshui Hotel) Bamboo leaf wine (dew wine) 1.
    5L/barrel 42% vol / 2018-09-06 Alcohol content (20°C)/37.
    7% vol/ Label clearly stated 42±1.
    0 %vol Shanxi Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology) 7 Xinzhou Huifeng Grain Industry Co.
    , Ltd.
    31 Xinzhou Xinjian North Road Xinzhou Limin Grain and Oil Distribution Co.
    , Ltd.
    29 Wutaishan South Road, Xinzhou City Cornmeal 1kg/ Bag Graphic 2022-05-10 Zearalenone/78μg/kg/≤60μg/kg The initial inspection institution is Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology), and the re-inspection agency is Shijiazhuang Customs Technical Center 8 Shanxi Wugufeng Vinegar Industry Co.
    , Ltd.
    Shanxi Linfen Xiangfen County Nanjia Town Qiyi Reservoir South Shanxi Wugufeng Vinegar Industry Co.
    , Ltd.
    Xiangfen County Nanjia Town Qiyi Reservoir South Xiaomi Vinegar (brewed vinegar) 800mL/pot Fenzhou Xiang 2022-05-15 Non-volatile acid (in terms of lactic acid)/0.
    50g/100mL Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology) Serial Number Nominal Production Enterprise Name Nominal Production Enterprise Address Sampled Name Sampled Address Product Name Specification Model Trademark Production Date/Batch Number Unqualified Items/Inspection Results/Standard Value Inspection Institution Remarks Serial Nominal Production Enterprise NameNominal Production Enterprise AddressProduct NameProduct Name Sampling AddressProduct NameProduct Name Sampling AddressProduct Name Sampling AddressProduct Name Sampling AddressProduct Name Sampling AddressProduct Name Sampling AddressProduct Name Sampling AddressProduct Name Sampling AddressProduct Name Sampling AddressProduct Name Sampling AddressProduct Name Sampling AddressProduct Name Sampling Batch number unqualified items / Inspection results / Standard value inspection agency remarks 1 / / Jincheng Fengzhan Shopping Plaza Co.
    , Ltd.
    Fengzhan New Times Square No.
    49, Xinshi West Street, Jincheng District, Shanxi Province Vegetables (bell peppers) / / Purchase date: 2022-06-30 Thiamethacin/0.
    05mg/kg Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Institute of Standard Metrology Technology) 1// Jincheng Fengzhan Shopping Plaza Co.
    , Ltd.
    Fengzhan New Times Square, Shanxi Province, Jincheng District, Shanxi Province, No.
    49 Vegetable (Bell Pepper) // Purchase Date: 2022-06-30Thiamethoxamine ║0.
    05mg/kg Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology) 2 Wenshui County Zetianfu Vinegar Industry Co.
    , Ltd.
    Lvliang Wenshui County Nanzhuang Town Fenqu Village Xiangfen County Warm Heart E-commerce Co.
    , Ltd.
    Shanxi Province Linfen City Xiangfen County Water Yun Garden Building No.
    7 Shop Qiaojia vinegar altar 5 degrees old vinegar (brewed vinegar) 800ml/pot Xiangpiao 100 years 2021-04-08 Non-volatile acid (in terms of lactic acid)/0.
    50g/100mL Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology) 2 Wenshui County Zetianfu Vinegar Industry Co.
    , Ltd.
    Lvliang City Wenshui County Nanzhuang Town Fenqu Village Xiangfen County Warm Heart Excellent E-commerce Co.
    , Ltd.
    Shanxi Province Linfen City Xiangfen County Water Yun Garden Building No.
    7 Shop Qiaojia Vinegar Tan 5 Degrees Old Vinegar (Brewed Table Vinegar) 800ml/Huxiang Piaonian 2021-04-08 Non-volatile Acid (in terms of lactic acid)/��0.
    50g/100mL Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology) 3 / / / Shanxi Yuchuanwu Catering Management Company Wanbailin District MixC Store No.
    5 Changxing Road, Wanbailin District, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, China Resources Center Mixc N422a Raw Food Animal Aquatic Products (Salmon) / / Processing Date: 2022-07-05 Total Colonies/n1=8.
    1×104CFU/g, n2=1.
    1×105CFU/g, n3=1.
    8×105CFU/g, n4=1.
    1×105CFU/g, n5=1.
    1×105CFU/g/ g║n=5,c=2,m=5×104CFU/g, M=105CFU/g Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Institute of Standard Metrology Technology) 3//Shanxi Yuchuanwu Catering Management Company Wanbin District MixC Store Wanbin District MixC Store Shanxi Taiyuan City, Wanbin District, Changxing Road, No.
    5 China Resources Center MixC N422a Raw Food Animal Aquatic Products (Salmon) // Processing Date: 2022-07-05Total number of colonies/��n1=8.
    1×104CFU/g, n2= 1.
    1×105CFU/g, n3=1.
    8×105CFU/g, n4=1.
    1×105CFU/g, n5=1.
    1×105CFU/g/n=5, c=2, m=5×104CFU/g, M=105CFU/g Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology) 4 / / Shanxi Yuchuanwu Restaurant Management Company Wanbin District MixC Store with Restricted Responsibility N422a Raw animal aquatic products (Arctic shellfish), No.
    5 Changxing Road, Wanbin District, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, China / / Processing Date: 2022-07-05 Total colonies║n1=1.
    6×105CFU/g, n2=2.
    8×105CFU/g, n3=1.
    2×105CFU/g, n4=5.
    3×104CFU/g, n5=2.
    9×105CFU/g║n=5, c=2, m=5×104CFU/g, M= 105CFU/g Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Institute of Standard Metrology Technology) 4//Shanxi Yuchuanwu Catering Management Limited Liability CompanyWanbin District MixC Store No.
    5 Changxing Road, Wanberlin District, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, China Resources Center MixC N422a Raw Food Animal Aquatic Products (Arctic Shell) // Processing Date: 2022-07-05 Total Colonies ║n1=1.
    6×105CFU/g, n2=2.
    8×105CFU/g, n3=1.
    2×105CFU/ g, n4=5.
    9×105CFU/g/��n=5,c=2,m=5×104CFU/g, M=105CFU/gShanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Institute of Standard Metrology Technology) 5 Shanxi Bainianfang Wine Co.
    , Ltd.
    Wangjiapu Village Jinzhong Dongsen Supermarket (Co.
    , Ltd.
    ) Nylon Store Building 4, North Side, No.
    179 Nylon Road, Yuci District, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province (opposite the State Tax Hotel) Rose Wine (Dew) 1.
    5L/Barrel 40% vol / 2018-04-15 Alcohol (20°C)/37.
    1 %vol/Label clearly stated 40±1.
    0 %vol Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Institute of Standard Metrology Technology) 5 Shanxi Bainianfang Wine Co.
    , Ltd.
    Wangjiapu Village, Jinzhong Dongsen Supermarket (Co.
    , Ltd.
    ) Nylon Store, Building 4, North Side, No.
    179 Nylon Road, Yuci District, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province (opposite the State Tax Hotel) Rose Wine (Dew Wine) 1.
    5L/Barrel 40% vol/ 2018-04-15Alcohol (20°C)/37.
    1 %vol║ The label clearly states 40±1.
    0 %vol Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology) 6 Shanxi Bainianfang Wine Co.
    , Ltd.
    Wangjiapu Village East Jinzhong Dongsen Supermarket (Co.
    , Ltd.
    ) Nylon Store Building 4, North Side, No.
    179 Nylon Road, Yuci District, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province (opposite the State Tax Hotel) Bamboo leaf wine (dew wine) 1.
    5L/barrel 42% vol / 2018-09-06 Alcohol content (20 °C) ║ 37.
    7% vol / label indicates 42±1.
    0 % vol Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center(Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology) 6 Shanxi Bainianfang Liquor Co.
    , Ltd.
    Wangjiapu Village, Dongjinzhong City, Dongsen Supermarket (Co.
    , Ltd.
    ) Nylon Store, Shanxi Province, Jinzhong City, Yuci District, No.
    179 Nylon Road, North Side 4 (opposite the State Tax Hotel) Bamboo leaf wine (dew wine) 1.
    5L/barrel 42% vol/2018-09-06 Alcohol (20 °C) / 37.
    7% vol / Label clearly indicates 42±1.
    0% vol Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology) 7 Xinzhou HSBC Grain Industry Co.
    , Ltd.
    31 Xinjian North Road, Xinzhou Limin Grain and Oil Distribution Co.
    , Ltd.
    29, Wutaishan South Road, Xinzhou City, Corn flour 1 kg/bag Graphic 2022-05-10 Zearalenone/78μg/kg/≤60μg/kg The initial inspection institution is Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology), and the re-inspection institution is Shijiazhuang Customs Technology Center 7 Xinzhou Huifeng Grain Industry Co.
    , Ltd.
    Xinzhou Xinjian North Road No.
    31 Xinzhou Limin Grain and Oil Distribution Co.
    , Ltd.
    Xinzhou City Wutaishan South Road No.
    29 corn flour 1 kg / bag pattern 2022-05-10 zearalenone / 78μg / kg / ≤ 60μg / kg Preliminary inspection institution is Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology), re-inspection agency is Shijiazhuang Customs Technology Center 8 Shanxi Wugufeng Vinegar Industry Co.
    , Ltd.
    Shanxi Province Xiangfen County Nanjia Town Qiyi Reservoir South Shanxi Wugufeng Vinegar Industry Co.
    , Ltd.
    Xiangfen County Nanjia Town Qiyi Reservoir South Millet vinegar (brewed vinegar) 800mL/pot Fenzhou Xiang 2022-05-15 Non-volatile acid (in terms of lactic acid)/0.
    50g/100mL Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Institute of Standard Metrology Technology) 8Shanxi Wugufeng Vinegar Industry Co.
    , Ltd.
    Shanxi Linfen City, Xiangfen County, Nanjia Town, Qiyi Reservoir, Nanshan Wugufeng Vinegar Industry Co.
    , Ltd.
    Xiangfen County, Nanjia Town, Qiyi Reservoir South Millet Vinegar (Brewed Vinegar) 800mL/Hufenzhou Xiang2022-05-15Non-volatile Acid (in terms of lactic acid)/0.
    50g/100mL Shanxi Provincial Inspection and Testing Center (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Standard Metrology Technology)
    (Source: Shanxi Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau)
    (Source: Shanxi Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau)
    Shanxi Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau

    Food supervision and sampling of non-conforming product information

    Food supervision and sampling of unqualified product information Shanxi Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau 2022 No.
    28 food safety supervision and sampling informationnotice This article is edited by the Food Partner Network Food Information Center, unauthorized reproduction is prohibited, if you need to reprint, please contact the authorized reprint, please contact the news@foodmate.

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